Peace of Mind
One of the most cherished goal in life is probably to have the peace of mind that transcends all understanding. While this may sound like a phylosophical statement, it is as current today as it ever was in ancient times.
In fact, while humanity has not experienced a greater period of prosperity as it has since the Second World War, it has felt the full impact of the greatest amount of change than in any previous historical era, and there is more coming. This acceleration of events and tremendous pace of change is overstimulating our nervous and cognitive systems with the resulting negative physical and mental health consequences.
The solutions to such challenges are not simple and obviously they requires a different approach that we have used until now. As Einstein said, one cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking that created them in the first place, so before we discuss any kind of solutions, we need to get a better understanding of the current problems.
In the section below, i am going to focus on the topic of overthinking as one of the most pressing issue in society today, especially for the younger generations and those who are extensively plugged into an overstimulated world, like professionals, politicians, celebrities, etc.
I will provide three simple examples but there are obviously many more, that you the reader, will find covered more extensively throughout the various sections of my book and the articles in my blog, so i encourage you to visit my website often for updates.
When we are overthinking we feel stuck and unable to move forward. However, it is important here to really understand why we are feeling that way as to gain the clarity we need to see the big picture and gain the kind of insight that will allow us to take corrective action..
We may have just left a relationship, be it sentimental, work or just a friendship. This may mean that we are growing and are moving on to a better realignment for our future. Unfortunately, it is human nature to dwell on the past and second guess one’s actions and motivations. We tend to focus on what went wrong instead of appreciating that the future can hold new opportunities and that we can choose anew at any given time and make better decisions for our future.
We know what we do not want, but we are not clear on what we want. Remember that the greatest changes in life often do not happen after some great insight or inspiration, but after prolonged periods of dissatisfaction and unhappiness which can be the greatest stimuli we can have towards action.
Feeling overwhelmed and the need to slow down. The greatest changes in our lives tend to occur when we realize that it is time to get off the treadmill (physical or mental) and seek a more balanced lifestyle. This can happen when we start listening to our bodies and know that we cannot continue to do too much, especially if we are trying to meet other people’s expectations.
If you are an over thinker (you will know if you are), or are dealing with one, it helps to be able to communicate in a clear and concise way, as over thinkers tend to go down the gamut of scenarios in a very detailed way. In other words, use the KISS principle (keep it simple and to the point) in order to keep real or imagined options to a minimum.