Career and life coaching for those who want to realize their full potential…
When you think about your future, what is the transformation you want for yourself, your family and your career? Even before Covid-19 we lived in challenging times and now more than ever, the uncertainty about our health and careers are creating the kind of fear and stressful dynamics that requires a new approach for a better future and for realizing our full potential.
Frank’s journey through life has been one of transformation, from a first generation immigrant from Italy arriving in Canada alone at age 17, to working hard during the day and going to school at night, buying a house at age 20 with his brother Peter and bringing the rest of the family of nine people to Canada, to getting a job at Kimberly Clark of Canada and doubling his wages through four promotions in three years and many more amazing life changes that you can find in the about Frank section.
Transformative Coaching
If you found that the conventional approach to every day life challenges and problems is not really working for you, and you find yourself feeling stuck in your personal and professional career, let Frank take you through the transformative power of continuous improvement practices (smart effort for maximum results); easy to use visualization techniques that help you re-frame your goals and techniques for peak performance; and the ancient wisdom from the Art of War in understanding yourself better and take full advantage of emerging opportunities in whatever environment you operate.
Health Coaching
More than anything, Covid-19 has highlighted the need for a strong immune system so that you can stay healthy, accomplish your life’s goals, and enjoy the kind of quality of life that you desire for yourself and your family. As a lifelong practitioner of the traditional Japanese martial arts and modern health and wellness practices, Frank’s unique holistic approach blends the ancient wisdom of the orient with your innate abilities, to greatly enhance your capacity to meet the demands of modern life…
Personal Growth
Currently, Frank is writing a book on using ancient wisdom for a better life in a complex Covid-19 world. He holds a 1st-degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and has used the holistic approach of body-mind-spirit as a way of life (Karate-Do) to accomplish outstanding results in his personal and professional career.
Your growth and determination of what success means is highly personal and unique to you, so feel free to come back often and check the book section for timeless insights from ancient wisdom applied in a modern world.
Benefits from Frank’s Coaching
Below are just some of the key results and benefits you will get from using such ancient wisdom in your life, so join Frank on this amazing journey by returning to this web site often, signing up for his newsletter, or book a free 30-minute consultation with him.
Better life through a balanced life style
Peace of mind
Healthy body, mind and spirit
Able to focus at will and be more productive
A better person, radiating positive energy
Have plenty of energy to accomplish your own goals and help others
Realizing your full personal potential
Great longevity and quality of life well into old age
Enhanced critical thinking for better decision making and outcomes
Make a difference in the world you were born to make
Feeling alive and fully conscious every moment of your life